Congratulations, Ellen!

The QVCL team would like to offer a huge congratulations to Ellen O'Donoghue, a long-time QVCL researcher who is moving on from the lab to complete her PhD. Ellen started at QVCL during her undergraduate degree, volunteering with several projects before taking on the position of Lab Coordinator. After so many years of volunteering with the lab, Ellen came onto the team as a Masters graduate student, engaging with visual cognition research full-time. Now, Ellen has successfully defended her MSc Dissertation, and will go on to study comparative visual cognition at the PhD level with the University of Iowa!

We couldn't be happier for Ellen, and will miss her dedication, wit, and willingness to lend a hand to any member of the lab who needed it. We wish you all the best, Ellen, and can't wait to see what ground you break in the field of cognitive research in the near future!


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