Welcome to the Attention, Memory and Neurodiversity Project

Thank you for your interest in our study!

The purpose of this webpage is to offer different formats (e.g., video summary, infographic summary, downloadable pdf, searchable text-based FAQ) to review the information found within our consent form as well as provide more details on the study.

Video Summary

*note: the video notes that compensation was $15 CAD Amazon gift card for both sections; it is now updated to $20 CAD Amazon gift card for section 1 and $25 CAD Amazon gift card for section 2.

Visual Infographic

Consent Form (PDF download)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

+ What is the goal of this project?

The goal of this project is to understand camouflaging in autistic adults and how camouflaging relates to different cognitive processes (e.g., how you remember, pay attention and navigate the world).

+ What other formats can I access this information?

The consent form and the roadmap of the study is available in the following formats:

  • video summary
  • visual infographic
  • full consent form (e.g., pdf download)
  • searchable text-based FAQ

If you have additional questions or prefer to receive this consent form in another form, please contact us. We’d be happy to answer questions and provide additional information in the following formats:

  • email response
  • live chat via Zoom
  • audio-only chat via Zoom
  • video-based conversation via Zoom

+ What if I no longer want to participate?

It’s your choice to participate or not participate in this study. You may withdraw from the study at any point by closing your browser window, or by emailing us up to 1 year after the launch of this project to have your data withdrawn.

+ What is the compensation for this project?

To thank you for your participation, you will receive a $20 CAD Amazon gift card for participating in section 1 and $25 CAD Amazon gift card for participating in section 2 (for a total of $45 Amazon gift card if you choose to complete both sections). If you choose to complete both sessions, you will receive a total of $30 CAD via Amazon gift cards.

+ How is my privacy protected?

Any experiment data is stored separately from personally identifiable information (e.g., email) via separate platforms (i.e., Inquisit and Qualtrics).

+ How long is the experiment?

This experiment is split into 2 sessions of roughly 45 minutes to 1 hour for each session. The length of the experiment depends on the self-paced breaks available and your response style.

+ How do I participate in this experiment?

Once you've reviewed the consent information available in this website and had the opportunity to chat with one of our team members (if you'd like to), please let us know by email that you would like to continue with this experiment. You will then receive a unique link by email to complete the experiment via desktop or laptop.

+ Can I participate from a mobile device or tablet?

As we have a number of images and videos as part of our study, we ask that you complete this study from a computer or laptop so that we're able to show these images at a reasonable size.

+ Can I take breaks?

Yes. There are self-paced breaks between each task. If you do not need a break in between every task, you're able to skip through the break to begin the next task. Each break has a timer for 1 minute, but if you require a longer break than 1 minute, you can stay on the screen and choose to advance to the next task whenever you feel ready.

+ What is the road map for each session?

Session 1 (optional self-paced breaks after every task available)

  1. demographics questionnaire
  2. mood questionnaire
  3. letter task
  4. same / different face game
  5. card game
  6. spot the oddity
  7. social experiences questionnaire

Session 2 (optional self-paced breaks after every task available)

  1. mood questionnaire
  2. short film; Q&A
  3. word & colour task
  4. eyes game
  5. mood questionnaire #2

+ What is Inquisit?

Inquisit is the website we use to display videos, images, and questions that are a part of our experiment. Any information stored on Inquisit is de-identified, which means your experimental data is associated with an ID made of numbers and letters rather than any personally identifiable data like your name or email.

Inquisit’s privacy statement can be found here: https://www.millisecond.com/products/privacystatement.aspx.

+ What is Qualtrics?

We use Qualtrics to send out email invitations to our study and track completed consent forms. This information is stored on Qualtrics, separated from any information you share with us during the experiment (which is stored on Inquisit).

Read Qualtrics’s privacy statement here: https://www.qualtrics.com/privacy-statement/.